Author Archives: Jay Butchko

Student Loan Debt In Pennsylvania Is As Bad As You Think It Is
This year, the federal government has taken some steps to make it easier for struggling former students to receive loan forgiveness and erase some of their education debt, but millions of graduates, as well as millions of Americans who borrowed money for college but left without graduating, still have just as much federal, state,… Read More »

Is It Used Car Fraud If The Car Self-Destructs Right After The Warranty Ends?
Many big-ticket items come with the option to purchase a warranty, where the seller will repair problems that arise in a set period of time after the sale, at no cost to the buyer. The optimist sees this as an honest business practice that saves buyers from being stuck with defective items that malfunction… Read More »

Philadelphia Mom Sues Dealership Over False Advertising And Misrepresentation Of Car’s History
A gently used car can be the best of all possible worlds. You have probably heard that a car’s resale value decreases by thousands of dollars the minute it leaves the dealership lot. Therefore, if you buy a car that only has a few thousand miles on its odometers, you are, for all practical… Read More »

Westmoreland County Man Who Sold 67 Used Vehicles Under False Premises Sentenced To House Arrest
Lots of buyers are on their guard as soon as they set foot in a used car dealership. The brightly colored balloons making the dealership visible from a distance and the megawatt smiles of the sharply dressed salespeople raise red flags for car buying skeptics. The employees at used car dealerships are willing to… Read More »

The Department Of Education Will Discharge The Student Loans Of More Than 300,000 People With Permanent Disabilities
More than half a million people in the United States have permanent disabilities and also owe money on student loans. Approximately 365,000 are eligible to have their remaining loan balances discharged, a number of borrowers approximately equal to the population of Pittsburgh. More than half of those borrowers have already defaulted on their loans. … Read More »

WARN Notices: A Canary In A Coal Mine For Strategizing About Debt Repayment
There is nothing quite like the feeling of panic you feel when you find out that your position is being eliminated, but the dread you feel when you find out bad news about your local economy, even if the piece of news does not directly affect you, is not pleasant, either. Instincts can be… Read More »

Are Secured Credit Cards The Answer To Your Debt Problems?
The more money you have, the more you can borrow. This makes sense from a lender’s perspective, because someone who has plenty of valuable assets is more likely to be able to pay you back. From the perspective of someone who can only afford to purchase a house, car, or other expensive but necessary… Read More »

How Scary Is It That Facebook Is Launching A Debt Collection Program?
Facebook has been making people feel worse about themselves for going on twenty years now. It started out as a forum for college students to pass judgment on each other’s physical appearance in terms that school-sponsored publications do not allow. Facebook was the original homeland of the humblebrag, where people show off purchases that… Read More »

How To Avoid Student Loan Forgiveness Scams In Pennsylvania
Given that the cost of university education has skyrocketed since the time the current generation of college students was born, while an increasing percentage of well-paying jobs require a bachelor’s degree, plenty of debt-ridden graduates would venture to say that student loans are a racket. Some outspoken journalists would make a similar claim about… Read More »

You Guessed It: Medical Debt Is The Leading Cause Of Bankruptcy
You might have a coworker who, given the opportunity, will grouse about her ex-husband who declared bankruptcy right after they divorced, and she thinks he only did it to reduce the amount of child support he would have to pay. After she filed for divorce, Mr. Wonderful bought a fancy new car and traveled… Read More »