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Author Archives: Jay Butchko


Auto Dealership Fraud: Add-on Products

By Consumer Law PA |

For many years the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) focused its anti-fraud efforts on car dealerships that used deceptive advertising. However, recently the agency has broadened its enforcement to include auto loan application fraud and add-on products and services. To find out more about these and other types of dealership-related fraud, you should speak with… Read More »

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What Is a Tax Sale of a Pennsylvania House?

By Consumer Law PA |

All homeowners are familiar with property taxes because they are an unavoidable aspect of home ownership. Some homeowners chose to incorporate the cost of their property taxes into their mortgage payment and have the bank make the tax payment, while others prefer to make the annual payments themselves. However the payments are made, it… Read More »

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Holding Automobile Dealers Accountable for Unfair and Deceptive Practices

By Consumer Law PA |

Although most of us have sold or purchased a used car at some point in our lives, a surprising number of people are still unaware that used car dealerships are required to comply with specific regulations regarding trade practices when they sell a car. If you were recently the victim of a dealership’s unfair… Read More »

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What Is Odometer Fraud?

By Consumer Law PA |

Odometer fraud is one of the lesser known tactics used by used car dealerships to convince potential buyers that a car is newer than it actually is. Odometer fraud covers a wide range of activities, but is generally defined as the illegal act of changing or altering the mileage readings on a vehicle. Also… Read More »

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Pennsylvania Auto Repair Shop Regulations

By Consumer Law PA |

Although Pennsylvania law protects consumers from being defrauded by auto repair shops, thousands of people are still taken advantage of every year. In these cases, it is critical to speak with an experienced repair shop fraud attorney who can ensure that you are compensated for your losses. What Qualifies as a Repair Shop? The… Read More »

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What to Do If Your Information Was Compromised in the Equifax Data Breach

By Consumer Law PA |

In September, Equifax disclosed a data breach that compromised the personal information of over 145 million Americans. This massive breach is the third largest in history and the most serious one to date. The information that was hacked includes names, social security numbers, past and present addresses, credit card numbers, and more. Fraudsters may… Read More »

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Used Car Dealership Advertising Requirements

By Consumer Law PA |

In Pennsylvania, automobile dealers that sell used cars are required to comply with specific advertising rules put in place by the state legislature. Those who fail to follow these rules and who sell vehicles to unsuspecting customers can be held accountable in court, so if you purchased a vehicle from a dealer and it… Read More »

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Equifax Data Breach: Are You at Risk?

By Consumer Law PA |

One of the biggest news stories of 2017 was the Equifax data breach. If you have never even heard of the company known as Equifax, there is still a good chance you were impacted by this massive cybersecurity incident. Find out what the Equifax data breach could mean for you and what you can… Read More »

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Prepayment Penalties And Predatory Lending

By Consumer Law PA |

Sometimes when a consumer takes out a loan to pay for a house, a car, or to pay for emergencies, it is with the plan to pay off the loan as fast as he possibly can. This may mean that the consumer plans to make several loan payments before they are due in what… Read More »

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Registering On The Do Not Call Registry

By Consumer Law PA |

When telemarketers are calling you at all hours of the day, you likely want to stop the calls as soon as you can. Some people try to deal with the unwanted calls by registering on the National Do Not Call Registry. Registration on the National Do Not Call Registry does not mean that all… Read More »

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