Author Archives: Jay Butchko

Mortgage Assistance Scams
Sometimes as homeowners try to dig themselves out of debt and avoid foreclosure, they seek the services of mortgage assistance companies or firms which advertise that they can help the homeowner. Unfortunately, as the homeowner soon discovers, these companies are out to take advantage of the homeowner and take whatever money they can before… Read More »

Lemon Laws in Pennsylvania
Buying a car is a major investment. Excluding housing, a person’s car is usually the most expensive property he owns. Vehicles are also costly to repair and maintain. For this reason, most people do not purchase a car without careful consideration. So what happens when you spend all your savings on a “safe and… Read More »

Federal Student Loan Changes Under The PROSPER Act
A bill has recently been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives that could affect hundreds of thousands of student loan borrowers who are hoping to use the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program to pay off their loans. Under the Promoting Real Opportunity, Success and Prosperity through Education Reform (PROSPER) Act, the loan forgiveness… Read More »

Is Credit Life Insurance Necessary For The Average Consumer?
Getting life insurance coverage is a good financial planning move for many people. A life insurance policy can help the insured person’s family members or friends after the insured’s death. However, there is one kind of life insurance policy that consumers should be careful about; this is the credit life insurance policy. Unlike most… Read More »

Protections Under The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act
Serving in the military can sometimes mean that a person is unable to take care of some financial obligations, which could lead to foreclosure or other actions for repossession of collateral assets by lenders. In recognition of the extraordinary circumstances that military servicemembers face while they are on active duty that may under some… Read More »

Protections Afforded Under The Home Improvement Consumer Protection Act
Planning a home improvement or repair project can be stressful for the homeowner. While home do-it-yourself projects are popular and can save a homeowner some money, there are some projects that require a professional contractor. However, not all contractors work to keep the promises they make in order to secure the contract. The frustrated… Read More »

Deed In Lieu Of Foreclosure
There are several ways a homeowner can try to avoid foreclosure proceedings or a final judgement of foreclosure in Pennsylvania. One way that the homeowner can avoid the damaging impact of a foreclosure is through a deed in lieu of foreclosure. While this process can give the homeowner a way out of a difficult… Read More »

The Dangers Of Overdraft Protection
While bank overdraft protections are offered to consumers as a service, they are not often the saving grace they appear to be. In many cases, overdraft protection and overdraft loans come with high fees that continue to increase the consumer’s financial woes. In some cases, consumers are not aware that the overdraft protection they… Read More »

Rule Prohibiting Mandatory Arbitration Struck Down
A rule proposed by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to protect consumers and make it easier for them to sue banks and other financial institutions has been struck down before it was set to take effect in 2019. The rule sought to protect consumers by prohibiting financial institutions and credit card companies from… Read More »

Payday Loans In Pennsylvania
Payday loans are a form of predatory lending that is offered to consumers who often have few other avenues to acquire credit. While payday loans may seem like a quick way out of a financial bind, they often mean the consumer is trapped in what may become a repayment nightmare because of the high… Read More »