Author Archives: Jay Butchko

How to Save Money on Mortgage Interest Like They Do in the Netherlands
Adding the name of a foreign nationality to a product is a time-honored marketing gimmick. Everyone loves French toast and German chocolate cake, even if the closest equivalent in their namesake countries bears little resemblance to the product we look forward to buying from Denny’s or Giant Eagle. Even things that are profoundly unpleasant… Read More »

It’s a PITI Your Home Mortgage Payment Is So Unaffordable
Affordable homeownership is becoming an increasingly distant dream. It has never been harder to qualify for a home mortgage, and if you have one, it has never been harder to keep up with the payments. Interest rates have remained painfully high for about the past two years. People with fixed rate mortgages that they… Read More »

How Much Can Mobile Apps Help Your Finances?
When people tell you that you can get out of debt just by clipping coupons, it is only natural to assume that they are either delusional or trying to sell you some kind of coupon subscription service that operates on a multilevel marketing basis. Yes, you can save money by scrolling through coupon sites,… Read More »

Will This Year’s Tax Credits Bring Home Ownership Within Your Reach?
Your financial circumstances have been dismal for as long as you can remember, perhaps for almost as long as you have been in the workforce. The thought that your slightly older contemporaries who graduated during the recession of 2008 thought that they could hold out for better times by going to graduate school, student… Read More »

3 Financial Mistakes That Make Employed People’s Debts Worse
When you start thinking about addressing your debt problems, it is worth reiterating that at least some of the factors that caused you to be in debt are beyond your control. For example, stagnant wages, high prices of groceries, and unaffordable healthcare are probably eating up a big portion of your paycheck. It is… Read More »

Your Credit Score Might Not Be a Deal Breaker When I Comes to Qualifying for a Home Mortgage
Qualifying for a home mortgage loan is only the first step toward being able to afford to buy a house. Likewise, the amount you borrow is only one of many factors that affect how much you will pay for your mortgage in total. Lenders will not agree to lend unless they are sure that… Read More »

Beware of These Bank Account Rip Offs
Getting out of debt begins with making an honest assessment of your financial situation. This involves facing hard truths but also finding reasons for gratitude. For example, if you have a bank account, you have more financial stability than people who do not. It is much easier to open a new bank account if… Read More »

Getting Out of Debt When You Can’t Give Up Your Daily Wawa Habit
That old piece of personal finance advice about how you can get out of debt if you just give up your daily Starbucks run on your way to work has been going around since your parents went on their first date at the Starbucks in Barnes and Noble. With each passing year, it increasingly… Read More »

Dealing With Debt After Divorce
If your negative emotions toward your spouse peaked before you filed for divorce, consider yourself among the lucky few. Many divorced people find that their resentment toward their ex-spouse continues to grow even after the court declares them legally single. A major reason for this is co-parenting conflict. Your ex drops off the children… Read More »

Fraudulent Online Sale of Used Cars
Nothing is what it seems on the Internet, but the Internet is often the fastest and least expensive way to buy things. The Internet is also responsible for a sharp decline in fraudulent business practices by car dealers, because customers could now research the cars they were interested in buying before they went to… Read More »