Category Archives: Property Loss Claim Denial

Filing a Property Loss Claim
Even those who are fully prepared for a crisis or major disaster could find themselves facing an insurer who unfairly refuses to accept their claim. In these cases, property owners may want to consider consulting an experienced Philadelphia property loss claim denial lawyer who can help protect their legal interests. Preparatory Steps Before a… Read More »

COVID-19 Property Loss Claims
Individuals who suffer property loss could be entitled to compensation if they have the appropriate insurance policies. Most of us may imagine that this situation only arises in cases where a person’s home, business, or vehicle sustains physical damage as a result of fire, flood, natural disaster, or someone else’s criminal activity. However, in… Read More »

Why Was My Property Loss Claim Denied?
No matter how many precautions we take, our homes are always vulnerable to damage from natural disasters, such as wildfires, storms, and flooding, as well as damage resulting from criminal activity like burglary and vandalism. While homeowners insurance covers many of the costs associated with making repairs after these types of events, a surprisingly… Read More »

Pre-existing Damage As A Basis For An Insurance Claim
Generally, insurance companies do not pay out on policies if they determine that the covered property has pre-existing damage. The determination of the pre-existing damage is done through valuations and investigation by the insurance company. Pre-existing damage to insured property does not always mean that the insured losses out on the claim completely. In… Read More »