Debt Relief Is Better As a Holiday Gift Than As a New Year’s Resolution

New Year’s resolutions are usually about adopting new good habits or abandoning bad habits. In general, it is easier to keep resolutions that you phrase as, “I will start doing this new, but not especially fun thing” than the ones that you phrase as, “I will quit doing this thing that I enjoy.” In other words, you are more likely to stick to your resolution to eat five servings of fruits and vegetables per day than your resolution to quit eating junk food. Many New Year’s resolutions to reduce spending are doomed to fail, because the people who make them have already tightened their budgets as much as possible. How much more frugal can you be when you live with your parents, work two jobs, prepare all of your meals at home, don’t have a car, have a family member cut your hair, and sit through the ads on YouTube rather than paying for content that requires a subscription? Your debt problems are not the result of extravagance. They are the result of health insurance companies and other corporations putting an excessive burden on consumers. A Philadelphia debt relief lawyer can help you assess your debt situation and choose the best debt relief strategy so that you can enjoy a relaxing holiday.
Holiday Cheer Begins With Debt Consolidation or Preparing for a Bankruptcy Filing
Money will be tight this Christmas with or without debt relief. The difference is that, if you tackle your debt now, you will not have to spend the holidays dreading tackling your debt in January. Imagine that you are Cindy Lou Who, deriving the maximum holiday cheer out of your current situation. Isn’t it easier to join hands with your relatives and sing knowing that the Grinch has already left the building with the Christmas tree and the roast beast in tow, rather than staring at the roast beast on the table and knowing that every bite you take will make next year’s debt worse?
Tackling your debt now is like looking the Grinch in the eye, letting him take what he is going to take, and then celebrating with what is left. Now is the time to consult a bankruptcy lawyer about how much it will cost to file for bankruptcy and, if you choose a chapter 13 filing, how much your monthly payments for a repayment plan will be. If you do not want to file for bankruptcy, then you should research debt consolidation loans in an effort to find the best interest rates. Then you can spend the holidays celebrating the steps you have already taken toward getting out of debt, instead of dreading the austerity that you plan to adopt in the new year.
Contact Louis S. Schwartz About Getting Out of Debt for the Holidays
A Philadelphia consumer law attorney can help you make strategic and practical decisions about getting out of debt. Contact Louis S. Schwartz at to set up a free, confidential consultation.