How Much Can Mobile Apps Help Your Finances?

When people tell you that you can get out of debt just by clipping coupons, it is only natural to assume that they are either delusional or trying to sell you some kind of coupon subscription service that operates on a multilevel marketing basis. Yes, you can save money by scrolling through coupon sites, but you can probably achieve a greater net gain by working at a paid job for 40 hours before grocery shopping than you can by spending the equivalent of an entire workweek clipping coupons. As every marriage counselor knows, shopping is not an adequate substitute for workforce participation. With everyone so stressed out about finances, and for good reason, it is no surprise that app developers find ways to respond to people’s anxiety by offering mobile apps that promise to ease one or more of consumers’ financial woes. Apps can help you pursue a certain financial goal, but there is no app that can get to the root cause of all your debt problems; the debt crisis runs much deeper than that. For help formulating a plan to get out of debt, contact a Philadelphia debt relief lawyer.
Apps to Boost Your Credit Score and Manage Your Finances
There are apps for everything these days, from tracking your exercise to getting your fix of celebrity gossip. The good news is that not all new apps are full of ads or in-app purchases; some of them aim to improve your financial situation. These are some apps to help debt-ridden consumers stay on track financially:
- Prism helps consumers keep track of due dates for bills, helping you avoid incurring late fees.
- RentApp and TenantPort report it to credit bureaus when you make your rent payments on time, offering a rare opportunity to renters to get a credit score boost by making their housing payments on time.
- Spendee is a household budgeting app that works equally well for families and housemates.
- Suma is a suite of games designed to increase financial literacy. Its original target audience is Latina women under 40, but it is also catching on with other demographic groups.
If Free Game Apps Keep You From Scrolling Through BNPL Splurges, Rock On With Your Solitaire Game
The best app is the one that helps you do what you need to do in order to earn more and spend less. If your downfall is impulse spending on online purchases, then any app that can serve as a substitute addiction can help you curb your spending, be it solitaire, a word search app, or something in the Candy Crush genre. If you are fighting your way out of debt in the gig economy, then apps with gig listings are your secret weapon, as is any app related to your side hustle.
Contact About Getting Out of Debt
A Philadelphia consumer law attorney can help you choose a debt repayment or debt settlement strategy. Contact to set up a free, confidential consultation.