It’s Not Fair That You Are in Debt, but You Can Fix It

In a perfect world, no one would be judgmental of others for circumstances that are beyond their control, but in practice it happens all the time. How many times have you not told other people about your financial problems because you were embarrassed. Perhaps your closest friends and family members do not even know the full extent of your financial struggles. This makes it hurt all the more when people make judgmental comments about the apparent financial irresponsibility of people whose debt problems resemble yours. If you go on Tik Tok right now, you will probably find umpteen videos of wannabe celebrities mouthing off about people who pay for their Starbucks out of their paychecks but buy their groceries with SNAP, as if you were supposed to do it the other way around. How many potential dates have you failed to match with because they stated in their profiles that student loans were a deal breaker? If you are doing everything possible to pay down your debts but are getting nowhere, contact a Philadelphia debt relief lawyer to find out more about your debt relief options.
Your Debt Problems Are Not Your Fault
You are not in debt because you are careless about money. Likewise, anyone who adds together the time you spend at your full-time job and the time you spend on your side hustle and subtracts the sum from the total number of minutes in a day would quickly realize that the problem is not that you do not work hard enough. You, like the majority of Americans, are in debt because it is too easy for creditors to impose a heavy debt burden on consumers who cannot afford to pay. In recent years, new laws have set stricter limits on interest rates and fees on consumer loans, but junk fees and triple digit interest rates remain. Likewise, most people who borrow do it because they have no other way of paying for things they need. You are in debt because you are still paying off long ago emergency room visits and grocery hauls, not because you splurged on luxuries without bothering to think about whether you could afford them.
Where to Start With Debt Relief
Wishing that your debts would disappear will not make them go away, but several other strategies will. A debt relief lawyer can help you decide whether you are a good candidate for a bankruptcy filing, which enables you to discharge debts such as medical bills and old credit card balances. If you decide not to file for bankruptcy, you might be able to consolidate your debts with a low interest personal loan or settle directly with creditors.
Contact Louis S. Schwartz About Getting Out of Debt
A Philadelphia consumer law attorney can help you find the best strategy for settling debts that you cannot pay in full. Contact Louis S. Schwartz at to set up a free, confidential consultation.